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Contents of the Market Segmentation Study Guide
Understanding the Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP) Process
What is the STP process?
STP models
Understanding the Basic STP model
The Full STP Process
What is market segmentation?
Reasons why firms segment markets
The criteria for effective segmentation
Market segmentation evaluation criteria example
How is market segmentation actually undertaken?
Cluster analysis
Segmentation trees
Why do firms define markets?
What are the main approaches to defining a market?
Why is defining a product-market important?
Understanding markets
What are markets, sub-markets and product-markets?
Markets, sub-markets and product-markets examples
How to segment a market
Definition of a segmentation base
What are the main ways of segmenting a market?
Understanding market segmentation bases/variables
Can firms use more than one segmentation base?
What is hybrid (multivariate) segmentation?
Segmentation Base Examples for Consumer Markets
Segmenting Differences in the Same Market
List of advantages and limitations of the main segmentation bases
Do firms segment a market in the same way?
What is a segment profile?
About Segment Profiles
Segment profile sections
What is a segment nickname?
Business Market Segmentation
Why do firms need to segment business markets?
What segmentation bases are used for business markets?
Understanding business market segmentation bases/variables
Business market segmentation examples
Understanding Targeting and Target Markets
What is a target market?
Why are target markets important?
How are target markets evaluated?
The target market selection process
Main evaluation criteria for target markets
How are target markets selected?
Example of How to Select a Target Market
How many target markets can a firm have?
Target market strategy
What is a niche marketer?
Why do some firms become niche marketers?
Are niche marketers always small firms?
Examples of Niche Marketing
What is one-to-one marketing?
Why mass marketing is so difficult to successful implement
Understanding Product Positioning
What is positioning?
Positioning and the STP process
Why is positioning important?
What are the main ways to position a product?
Main Categories of positioning
Which positioning approach to use?
Examples of Positioning by Category
Examples of Product Positioning
What is under-positioning and over positioning?
Connecting positioning and the marketing mix
How is positioning created?
Example of an inconsistent marketing mix
What is Repositioning?
Why repositioning is used?
The difficulties of successfully repositioning
Examples of Repositioning
Reposition or introduce a new brand?
Introduction to Perceptual Maps
What is a perceptual map?
The main types of perceptual maps
Where does the data come from for a perceptual map?
What are determinant attributes?
What does ‘Perception is reality’ mean?
Why use perceptual mapping?
How to understand and interpret perceptual maps
Purposes of a perceptual map
What to review on a perceptual map
What to look for/what to do with a perceptual map
A Worked Example of Interpreting a Perceptual Map
What are points-of-difference (POD)?
Understanding PODs and POPs
The POD – POP Trade Off
Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
What to emphasize POD or POP?
Points-of-difference (POD) and points-of-parity (POP) examples
How to construct a perceptual map